CST272 Project No. 9

GridView No. 2

Click the following "Movies" link to download the "Movies" SQL Server database and related image files; then create the Project 9 application as follows:

Complete all instructions above for a maximum grade of 8 out of 10 points

For an additional ½ point each, do either number (1) the ImageField or number (2) the HyperlinkField below (or do both for 1 full point):

  1. An ImageField that displays thumbnail pictures of each star (the pictures for all the stars are in the "images" folder of the "Movies" website)
  2. A HyperlinkField that link's to each star's "IMDb" web page (http://www.imdb.com/)

For an additional 1 point convert the following BoundField columns to TemplateField columns each with the specified validation control(s) for the EditItemTemplate (complete only the three RequiredFieldValidator controls for an just additional ½ point instead of 1 full point; also complete the two RangeValidator controls for full credit on this element of the assignment):

Complete all elements above for a maximum grade of 10 out of 10 points

The completed project, a ZIP file that contains the folder with all files for the website, is due to Prof. Struck as an attachment to a Brightspace dropbox by 11:59 p.m. on the date specified in the course outline.