CST272 Final Project

"Member Home Page"

  1. Create a web page "MemberHome.aspx" with the following elements:
  1. The <Logout> Button which starts the page and redirects the application to the "Login.aspx" page
  2. When the web page loads, the "Email" property contained in the query string passed from the "Login.aspx" web page is stored in a private instance variable "Email" of type string
  3. An asp:SqlDataSource control that returns the EMail and FirstName (the FirstName is used to generate the URL to display the image) fields from the Members table as well as the "FirstName" concatenated to the "LastName" field (with a space between) as alias MemberName (see Note below) for the record that matches the "EMail" property stored in the query string passed from the click event of the "Submit" button in the "Login.aspx" web page

    Note: For a review of how to create concatenated columns in a SQL SELECT statement (this was a CST171 topic), click this String Concatenation (Transact-SQL) link and view Examples "A. Using string concatenation"


  1. Next implement an asp:SqlDataSource control that returns the Post and PostDate fields from the Posts table for those records that match the EMail property stored in the query string passed from the click event of the "Submit" button in the "Login.aspx" web page; these records should be returned in descending order by the "PostDate" field


  1. An asp:SqlDataSource control that returns the MyEmail and FriendEMail fields from the Friends table and additionally the FirstName (the FirstName is used to generate the URL to display the image) field from the Members tables as well as the FirstName concatenated to the LastName field (with a space between) as alias MemberName, joined on the EMail field in the Members table and the FriendEmail field in the Friends table for those records in which the MyEmail field matches the EMail property stored in the query string passed from the click event of the "Submit" button in the "Login.aspx" web page
